Read this before seeking support
The screen-shot above will give you an idea of how many support requests we get and how quickly we respond. With that in mind, please keep the following in mind when seeking support:
- The first time you submit a new support request, a help-desk account will automatically be created for you. Please note that this account is separate from your EasyCash4Ads.com, FunMouse.org, SoManyHits.com or SecondSplash.com account and as such it will not necessarily use the same login username and / or password. If you requested support from one of these sites before, you may already have an account. If you need to reset your password for the help-desk portal, you can do so here.
- Our official help-desk hours are: 07:30 am to 5pm. However, that does not mean you will not get support after 5pm as we are also connected to our help-desk via a smart-phone application. If we are available, you will still receive support, no matter what the hour is. We answer more than 90% of support tickets within 10 - 15 minutes, but like normal people, we sleep too :-)
- Current Help-Desk Time: 12:46:01 PM
- While our official support policy is to answer all tickets within 24 hours on business days, you will usually get a response much sooner if we are available, but no longer than 24 hours on business days.
- Include all relevant information. We don't magically know who you are, so please include your username, invoice no (if applicable) and any other relevant information necessary to enable us to find your account and address the problem you are experiencing. Failing to do this is a waste for everyone involved as we must first reply and ask you for the information before we can even begin to address your problem.
From the screenshot above, notice the difference between our average response time and our average resolution time. As you can see, we are very quick top respond to your support ticket, but then resolution of the ticket is delayed because we are waiting on the person requesting help to supply us with more information. We would be able to resolve most tickets in under 15 minutes if only support seekers included all relevant information.
- Be detailed in your description of a problem otherwise the issue will be prolonged when we ask for a better explanation.
- Issues already addressed inside the members area will be moved to the back of the queue and set to low priority. We try to answer all support requests as quickly as possible and asking questions already answered inside your members area puts unnecessary burden on support. As such, we will first tend to tickets not addressed inside the members area.
- Because of the unreliable nature of email, we recommend you view and reply to all tickets on our support site rather than through email. The support site also has the benefit of showing the complete conversation history. You can access the help-desk portal here
- We understand you may be having an issue that is very frustrating to you, however, taking it out on support by being rude or making untoward comments will not help your cause and in extreme cases may even get you suspended. Support is there to help you, so treat them the same way you would when asking a friend for help.